BUIDL-Weekly: 02OCT23 - 08OCT23
Welcome to another weekly wrap-up, Spartans! Thanks to all the community contributors and friends who helped Buidl, promote and support during the week! Read on for the update

Community Mentions
Remember to cast your vote for SPARTA every day, Spartans!

SpartAnalytics Report
Our community creates a monthly PDF report that includes an overview of Spartan Protocol data from Google Search (impressions, clicks, devices, keywords, and geographical data) and Twitter analytics.

Community DApp

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2
Front-end: https://dapp.spartanprotocol.org/
Protocol Site

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/spartan-site
Front-end: https://spartanprotocol.org/
Protocol API

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/spartan-api
Front-end: https://api.spartanprotocol.org/api/v1/pools
Protocol Subgraph

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/spartan-subgraph
Front-end: https://thegraph.com/hosted-service/subgraph/spartan-protocol/pool-factory
Protocol Contracts V3

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/spartan-contracts
Protocol Resources

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/resources
Protocol Docs

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/spartan-docs
Frontend: https://docs.spartanprotocol.org/
Protocol Contracts V1 - V2

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts
Ecosystem Project: SpartanSwap

SpartanSwap is a separate project currently in development with the goal of creating a user-friendly interface for interacting with Spartan Protocol pools. Initially, the focus will be on providing swap functionality, with the long-term aim of becoming a swap aggregator for BNB SmartChain and potentially other chains in the future
SpartanSwap Contracts
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Spartan-Swap/SpartanSwapContracts
SpartanSwap DApp
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Spartan-Swap/SpartanSwapDApp
SpartanSwap Resources
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Spartan-Swap/SpartanSwapResources
Ecosystem Project: SpartanArena

SpartanArena is a separate project that focuses on developing subprojects related to gaming. Some ideas that are being considered for the future include an NFT looter game, a lottery, and a prediction/parimutuel game
SpartanArena Contracts
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/SpartanArena/SpartanArenaContracts
SpartanArena DApp
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/SpartanArena/SpartanArenaDApp
SpartanArena Resources
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/SpartanArena/SpartanArenaResources
Ecosystem Project: SpartanToolkit
Spartan Toolkit is an ecosystem project initiated by the Spartan Protocol community with the goal of improving tools for projects and users within the BNBChain ecosystem, including Beacon, Smart, and BAS chains
BepTools Fork

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Spartan-Toolkit/beptools
Legacy BepTools Repo: https://gitlab.com/canyacoin/binancechain/beptools (will request a PR and/or mirror to GitHub)
Temp Frontend: https://beptools.netlify.app/
The contributors of Spartan Toolkit have forked and updated/fixed the wallet connections in the BepTools DApp to enable BinanceChain/BeaconChain/BEP2 users to freeze/unfreeze and batch send BEP2 tokens on the BNB Beacon Chain
Web3BNB Library
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Spartan-Toolkit/web3-bnb
A React library with the intention of providing builders with a plug-and-play solution for any web3 wallet compatible with BNB ecosystem chains (Beacon, Smart, BAS etc)
BNB Beacon Chain Toolkit DApp

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Spartan-Toolkit/beacon-chain-tools-dapp
A tooling user interface for users + projects on BNB Beacon Chain. Batch-send, freeze/unfreeze, deploy BEP2 token etc without touching the command line!
Protocol Information
- Website: https://SpartanProtocol.org/
- DApp: https://DApp.SpartanProtocol.org/
- Documentation: https://Docs.SpartanProtocol.org/
- GitHub: https://GitHub.com/spartan-protocol
Community Links
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/spartanprotocol
- Telegram Community: https://t.me/spartanprotocolorg
- Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/spartanprotocolann
Project Community
Spartan Protocol and its related ecosystem is a 100% open-source community initiative. As an open organization, the community is responsible for building, running, and maintaining everything. If you are interested in contributing or learning more, please reach out in the community channels!