BUIDL-Weekly: 14NOV22- 20NOV22

Dev Update

BUIDL-Weekly: 14NOV22- 20NOV22

Welcome to another weekly wrap-up, Spartans! Thanks to all the community contributors and friends who helped Buidl, promote and support during the week! Read on for the update

BUIDL-Weekly: 14NOV22- 20NOV22

Community Mentions


Don't forget to vote for SPARTA every day Spartans!

Weekly Community Call / Hangout

Don't forget to tune into the Telegram channel each week with @ReidyPhillip to get updates on the project and broader ecosystem. Join in the discussion with any ideas and questions!

Hosted every Wednesday at ~11:00 UTC but subject to change based on community feedback and availability. Please check the Telegram channel each Tuesday/Wednesday to confirm the exact time.

‌SpartAnalytics Report

Our community collates the public Spartan Protocol data into a PDF report each month covering Google Search (impressions, clicks, devices, keywords & geographical) & Twitter analytics. You can find the full October report here

‌Community DApp‌

‌GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2

Front-end: https://dapp.spartanprotocol.org/

checks systems-prefered theme -> chnge to dark

  • added a matchMedia query to help check if user system settings is dark mode

quick fix darkmode

  • changed the darkmode media query to always result in dark mode for the dapp

some changes to the light/dark mode logic

  • set the local isDark default state to true (DApp theme will be dark for all users by default)
  • added back in persistent user state for theme preference (this is priority #1) but changed the var to a simple lightMode style var in localStorage
  • moved the new system state logic to priority #2 and had it use an interfaced toggle logic without affecting persistent state in localStorage
  • for now it always results in dark mode unless the user specifically changes to light mode, in which case it goes into localStorage and persists as their preference from there-on
  • the commented-out logic we can uncomment later when we fix the light theme styling and have the behavior select light or dark theme for the user based on system preferences *as long as the user has not manually toggled light/dark into localStorage* this will require another change to the localStorage var name/logic (by design, to force the user state to go from a clean slate with any future changes)

minor change pools page

  • now that we have the utils contract and synthDetails load without manual trigger/conditions, we can show the synth count on the pools page on load
  • changed the logic accordingly (basically just removed the `activeTab === 'synths'` condition & utilized the new const synthArray)

only show onboard iframe on mobile

  • when viewing onboarding module on mobile device it will now only show the iframe without the information about the onboarding etc
  • closes #886

To do:

Protocol Site

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/spartan-site

Front-end: https://spartanprotocol.org/

minor temp updates (current live site)

  • minor updates whilst on the old branch

To do:

Protocol API

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/spartan-api

Front-end: https://api.spartanprotocol.org/api/v1/pools

To do:

Protocol Subgraph

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/spartan-subgraph

Front-end: https://thegraph.com/hosted-service/subgraph/spartan-protocol/pool-factory

Protocol Contracts V3

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/spartan-contracts

To do:

Protocol Resources

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/resources

Protocol Docs

‌GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/spartan-docs

Frontend: https://docs.spartanprotocol.org/

To do:

Protocol Contracts V1 - V2

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts

‌Ecosystem Project: SpartanSwap‌

SpartanSwap is just a placeholder for now, but it is a separate project with the intention of building an alternative frontend for users to interact with the Spartan Protocol pools. With a focus on swap functionality to start with and longer-term plans to iterate towards becoming a swap aggregator for BNBChain and potentially multi-chain after that

SpartanSwap Contracts

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Spartan-Swap/SpartanSwapContracts

To Do:

SpartanSwap DApp

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Spartan-Swap/SpartanSwapDApp

SpartanSwap Resources

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Spartan-Swap/SpartanSwapResources

‌Ecosystem Project: SpartanArena‌

SpartanArena is another separate project with a focus on creating subprojects that lean more towards 'gaming'. Some ideas in the works for the future may include an NFT looter game, lottery and a prediction/parimutuel game

SpartanArena Contracts

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/SpartanArena/SpartanArenaContracts

SpartanArena DApp

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/SpartanArena/SpartanArenaDApp

SpartanArena Resources

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/SpartanArena/SpartanArenaResources

‌Ecosystem Project: SpartanToolkit

Spartan Toolkit is an ecosystem project spawned from the Spartan Protocol community aiming to improve tooling for projects and users within the BNBChain ecosystem including Beacon, Smart & BAS chains.

BepTools Fork

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Spartan-Toolkit/beptools

Legacy BepTools Repo: https://gitlab.com/canyacoin/binancechain/beptools (will request a PR and/or mirror to GitHub)

Temp Frontend: https://beptools.netlify.app/

SpartanToolkit contributors have forked and updated/fixed wallet connections etc on the BepTools DApp to give BinanceChain / BeaconChain / BEP2 users a way to freeze/unfreeze & batch send BEP2 tokens on BNB Beacon Chain

Web3BNB Library

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Spartan-Toolkit/web3-bnb

A React library with the intention of providing builders with a plug-and-play solution for any web3 wallet compatible with BNB ecosystem chains (Beacon, Smart, BAS etc)

BNB Beacon Chain Toolkit DApp

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Spartan-Toolkit/beacon-chain-tools-dapp

A tooling user interface for users + projects on BNB Beacon Chain. Batch-send, freeze/unfreeze, deploy BEP2 token etc without touching the command line!

BNB Smart Chain Toolkit DApp

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Spartan-Toolkit/beacon-chain-tools-dapp

Tooling and informational user interface for users + projects on BNB Smart Chain‌

Protocol Information

Project Community

Spartan Protocol and its extended ecosystem is a 100% open-source community movement. Being an open org, everything is built, run and maintained by the community. If you would like to contribute or learn more, reach out in the community channels!‌