Dev Article: May 2021
Contributor update for the month of May 2021. Progress on the recovery plan after a rollercoaster of a month!
![Dev Article: May 2021](
Including Weekly Dev: 24/05/21–30/05/21
May Summary
I think it's pretty safe to say that May was a rollercoaster month for Spartan Protocol, its Shield Wall, the BSC ecosystem and the wider crypto community in general.
Let's take a moment to take stock, before looking forward to June.
By now you will likely be aware that 2 May 2021 saw an exploit of Spartan Protocol’s smart contracts, resulting in more than USD $40M of $SPARTA, $BNB and other assets being drained from several V1 Liquidity Pools (based on token prices at the time of exploit).
With the help of the community and the gracious assistance of PeckShield, the transactions were fully analysed, and the issue identified.
Since then, several changes have been deployed to mainnet, both related and unrelated to the exploit.
Once a full review and analysis of the specific calcLiquidityShare vector was completed, an update to the Utils contract was deployed to ensure that repeated attempts using the same vector were no longer possible.
A new base token (SPARTA V2) has been deployed onto mainnet with the primary goals of:
- Removing components related to the original ‘Burn For SPARTA’ TGE
- Create a deflationary aspect to assist with inflation resulting from the FallenSpartans compensation
- Upgrade the transfer() function to ensure best practice (removal of tx.origin)
At the same time, a dApp was built to assist the Shield Wall in performing the below tasks
- Upgrading their V1 Tokens to V2 Tokens
- Claiming the SPARTA side of the liquidity that was drained in the May 2 exploit (FallenSpartans compensation)
In the weeks following the release of the upgrade DApp, there have been over 850 users upgrade to version 2 of the Token Contract.
SpartanProtocol dApp V2 has also been deployed to #BinanceSmartChain testnet for the wider community to test and log issues on GitHub. The more community members that get involved the better opportunity for improvement.
The feeBurn function for SPARTA transfers has been in effect since the token upgrade with the goal of causing deflationary pressure over time; with minimal transactions so far we have already seen over 9,000 SPARTA burnt permanently from the supply.
Looking Forwards to June
Stepping into June, the contributors look forward to releasing SpartanProtocol V2 (V2 contract suite) to CodeArena for stress testing and review, in preparation for go-live and the re-opening of the Liquidity Pools.
The community contributors that have been working on the UI integration have not been impacted and have, in fact, doubled their efforts - so June will likely see a reduction in activity in the Spartan Protocol dApp, and a greater focus on the critical CodeArena reviews & community testing tasks.
Spartan Protocol GitBook
Some new & old community members have put their hands up recently to help get the Spartan Protocol GitBook to reflect current progress and iterations of the protocol — head over and check it out to learn more.
This will be an ongoing focus for the wider community to contribute towards.
A quick summary of Spartan protocol’s main
Recent Medium Articles
SPARTA v2 BASE Token Fee Burn
SPARTAv2 (Token) Fee Burn
Learn about the new deflationary feature of the SPARTA
The Road To SPARTA v2
Road to SPARTAv2
Completing your tokenSwap to SPARTAv2, and the claim process
The Road Ahead
Rebuilding Spartan Protocol
The Plan
What Happened
Today, Spartan Protocol was subject to an exploit targeting the liquidity pools.
The Spartan Contracts were fully audited by Certik prior to launch, along with the usual ongoing code reviews, so this…
Spartan Socials
They say you should always attempt to see the silver lining in all situations. The exploit resulted in a lot of attention focused on Spartan Protocol from the wider Crypto community, and on community contributors and Shield Wall members to discover what had happened. Many Shield Wall members stepped up to both support the project and offer their assistance, and more contributors continue to come out of the woodwork.
And perhaps most impressively, considering the circumstances, it is important to mention the support seen between community members, who took the time to support each other during and after the exploit.
Spartan Socials — Twitter
Top Impressions:
Top Engagement:
Top Community Mention:
SpartanSocials — Medium
SpartanSocials — Telegram
Contributor’s Focus
The contributor focus moving forward has been broken into rough phases. This has been done to highlight that the original goal has not changed. This also acknowledges and embraces the fact that there is some rebuilding required in order to get there.
Phase 1 — SPARTA V2 (Token) — Completed!
Affected Users Snapshot
A snapshot of the state of all user’s liquidity holdings (Wallet Holdings, DaoVault Staked & Bond Locked) was taken from a block height just prior to the V1 LP drain transaction. This was cross-referenced with the depth of the pools to define the precise volume of $SPARTA taken from liquidity providers. See the result below:
Fallen Spartans Final Simple
FS Claims Affected Wallets,Total SPARTA Claim,Claimed,Burnt,Remaining,1,376,041.30…
Deploy New $SPARTA v2 BASE Token
Spartan Protocol Token V2 (SPARTA) Token Tracker | BscScan
Spartan Protocol Token V2 (SPARTA) Token Tracker on BscScan shows the price of the Token $0.3367, total supply…
Deploy Upgrade dApp
Spartan Protocol | Liquidity & Synthetics on BSC | DeFi
Spartan Protocol provides community-governed and programmable token emissions functions to incentivize the formation of…
- The above-weighted claims (from the snapshot) are plugged in for affected users to claim via the bridge dApp
- Implement deflationary mechanisms (burn SPARTA on each transfer)
Phase 2 — Spartan Protocol V2 (Protocol) — In Progress
SPARTA V2 (Token)
- Work with the centralised exchanges (CEX) listing SPARTA to ensure that SPARTA holders all have their tokens upgraded as simply as possible. It is expected that CEX holders will not need to perform any specific actions to have their tokens exchanged for V2 tokens (Binance, BKEX, MXC etc)
- Work with DEXs & aggregators to ensure the new SPARTA token address is added to their lists (1inch, PancakeSwap etc)
- Work with token-tracking information websites to ensure new token info is added and verified (BSCscan, CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap etc)
- Continue updating and stringent testing of V2 contracts to suit the changes made against the base token contract, and ensure the V2 contract suite is in a complete and stable position ready for a CodeArena bounty period
- Put the contracts through a code review process on CodeArena
- Continue the code review process within the community
- Update the V2 dApp to suit any required contract changes/upgrades
- Add in simple DAO for Bond+Mint allocations
- Test bond process from start to finish via UI (propose bond allocation, vote it in, finalise it, and then proceed to bond assets and test the weight from that in the DAOVault, and other proposals)
Community Forum
A community forum for longer-form & categorised discussion has been created in GitHub: join the discussion here.
- Setup categories & get the community contributing good questions about DAO proposals & mechanics of AMMs so that they can be padded out into longer-form go-to guides to post in the channels
Phase 3 — Deploy & Iterate
- Deploy Protocol V2 to Binance Smart Chain mainnet
- Enable Bond allocations to replenish TVL into the V2 pools
- Deploy Lending to testnet
- March onwards with our original goals of building the decentralised, yield-generating, solo staking, leveraged synthetics and derivatives + lending protocol on Binance Smart Chain
GitHub Activity — SpartanContractsV2
New & improved BondVault; members now get their Bond weight contributing to DAO proposals & DAOVault for harvesting
- Bond members weight now contributes to DAO proposals (greater advantage to future Bond+Mint participants)
- Bond member’s locked LPs now contribute to their DAOVault harvest weight (greater advantage to future Bond+Mint participants)
- Pending SPARTA that has been unlocked and allocated via DAO proposals will now be held in the DAO address
- The Bond/BondVault refactor along with the SPARTAv2 token has resulted in the removal of a Bond contract; only BondVault (Simplified; reduce code scope)
- setGenesisAddresses() — changed to external and _BOND removed (Bond contract no longer required)
- depositLPForMember() — msg.sender changed to member arg. Added in BondVault weight to the check for the forced harvest()
- calcReward() — added BondVault member’s weight to the DaoVault calculation (and vice versa with the totalWeight used in the calc)
- Added functions to handle the Bond-SPARTA allocations held in the DAO contract. ie. burn remaining allocation, or move it to a new DAO address
- Added functions to handle Bond-enabled assets. ie. List or de-list bond assets.
- Added functions to handle end-users performing bond actions. ie. bond, calc and claim
- Reverted SPARTA Bond-allocation back to 2.5M per proposal
- Removed some additional redundant functions
- countVotes() — now uses BondVault member weight included in the calculation of weight in a proposal. Same with all the functions that check for minority and majority and quorum etc
- Refactor and cleanup require() returns to save contract size
- Change public functions to external
- mintSynth() — add output arg to SYNTH.mintSynth()
- Emit a MintSynth event
- burnSynth() — use UTILS.calSwapOutput() instead of UTILS.calcSwapValueInBase()
- Emit a BurnSynth even
- Remove newDao references (no longer used)
- Added back in the receive() function for handling BNB/WBNB
- zapLiquidity() — added in the transfer ‘fromToken’ for the swap
- addLiquiditySingleForMember() — allow asym-add directly into the pools (reduce gas for user)
- removeLiquidityExact() — handle BNB/WBNB
- swapSynthToAsset() — handle feeBurn
- mapAddress changed to mapSynth (shorter and more accurate/readable)
- mintSynth() — refactor; amount handed in as arg
- realise() — added ‘realise’ function to cut back the LP unit collateral if it is greater than the debt (funnel more revenue into the underlying pools for LPers to benefit instead of the un-owned Synth contract)
- Added getPool() & getPoolShareWeight() & calcActualSynthUnits()
- Cleanup case and brackets in calcLiquidityUnitsAsym()
- Simplify require() return (smaller contract code)
- harvestAll() — _member changed to msg.sender throughout & the new SYNTH.realise() function is now called on harvest
- harvestSingle() — _member changed to msg.sender throughout & the new SYNTH.realise() function is now called on harvest
- withdraw() — _member changes to msg.sender throughout
Automated Tests
- Updated to suit changes in above contracts
- Tests added to suite new functions added (ie. SYNTH.realise())
GitHub Activity — SpartanDAppV2
- Cleanup; move unused ABIs to ‘old’ folder, remove when confirmed irrelevant
- Update all the testnet ABIs to match the newly testnet-deployed V2 contracts
- Remove bondVault store; have simply rolled it into the ‘bond’ store even though there is no longer a bond contract; better to keep it short
- Removed utilsMath store; it’s not something we need
- Removed utilsPricing store; it’s not something we need
- Update AssetSelect to handle SPARTAv2 instead of SPARTAv1 now that it’s pointing at the new contracts
- Add getWalletType() to detect if a wallet is MetaMask or TrustWallet to handle their unique watchAsset functions (Show MetaMask or TrustWallet icons next to assets dynamically to add the custom tokens to your respective wallet, previously this always just showed MetaMask)
- Icon has also been fixed in regards to the added watchAsset. Metamask will now use the relevant tokenIcon from the DApp
- Disabled eventListeners for RecentTxns component temporarily (improved component being worked on)
- Removed actions that are no longer relevant (ie. getCuratedPools and getBondSpartaRemaining)
- Added action: bondGlobalDetails() to the initial global loop
- Handle ‘assetType’ from params along with validation to avoid corrupt type being added to localStorage
- Update the usage of window.location
- Handle the asset type being shown (icon/symbol shown based on selected assetType)
- Remove ‘bond’ and ‘migrate’ contracts from the types list; no longer relevant (the bond contract was refactored out of v2 and migration is obviously no longer required)
- Burn & bond distribution numbers added as const for the tokenomics calculations (these numbers are now final and won't change, so do not need to dynamically call for updated counts)
- Bond added as a const too for v2. However, we can convert this into a simple call to count the completed DAO proposals of type: “GET_SPARTA” and multiply it by 2.5M *OR* call all ‘Transfer’ events from BASE to DAO who’s amount is 2.5M SPARTA.
- Hide distro-breakdown on Testnet; only really relevant on Mainnet
- Show V1 circulating vs V2 to visually show the progress of the token upgrade
- When a user disconnects the wallet via the dapp; place a localStorage variable disabling the auto-wallet connect feature until the user manually selects a wallet again
- checkWallets() — refactor out repeat checks and set fallback to ‘injected’ for mobile wallets so we get better UX for mobile users (try to auto-connect first-time mobile users to the wallet that is relevant to their browser)
- Add getWalletType() to detect if a wallet is MetaMask or TrustWallet to handle their unique watchAsset functions (Show MetaMask or TrustWallet icons next to assets dynamically to add the custom tokens to your respective wallet, previously this always just showed MetaMask)
- Icon has also been fixed in regards to the added watchAsset. Metamask will now use the relevant tokenIcon from the DApp
- Detect if the device is Apple/iOS; if so; show a button before connecting the wallet to enable the in-app DApp browser in TrustWallet
- WalletConnect disabled throughout; not a priority right now but will revisit later and get the bridge setup so wallets can ‘write’ instead of only ‘read’
- Major cleanup/refactor to match the changes to the contracts (and the removal of the bond contract)
- Any DAO contract functions relevant to BOND will be located here even though they are in a different contract; makes sense from a common-sense perspective; but not from a search-via-contract perspective. The former seems to suit most contributors
- Added globalDetails action to follow suit with the other stores where major calls are broken down by scope (Global scope, member scope & id-scope)
- Fix and refactor token-icon handling
- Remove all curatedArray refs (handled in poolDetails now without needing an extra loop)
- Cull/refactor
- Updated functions to suit changes in the new V2 contracts
- feeOnTransfer converted to a string in the store for human-readable throughout the dapp
- Culled some old functions
- synthDeposit() — added listen to txn to wait for confirmation for txn modal in the synthVault
- Culled old/unused functions
- Also deleted the utilsMath & utilsPricing stores
- Updated ABIs and addresses to point to new V2 testnet contracts
- Handle SPARTAv2 throughout as the base asset
- Small cleanup
- Adjusted calcFeeBurn to return the basisPoints instead of end-resulting feeBurn; makes more sense as basis points are required throughout the DApp. For now, we handle the end result calculation within each component using the (v2 token) variable in the store. However, this can be refactored into a utils function later for cleanup
- Handle SPARTAv2 throughout as the base asset
- Handle feeBurn in all transaction estimates/outputs
- Handle SPARTAv2 throughout as the base asset
- Handle feeBurn in all transaction estimates/outputs (needs further testing for 100% accuracy this week)
- Handle SPARTAv2 throughout as the base asset
- Handle feeBurn in all transaction estimates/outputs (needs further testing for 100% accuracy this week)
- Added approval component for LPs now that they require approval
- Cleanup / refactor
- Handle SPARTAv2 throughout as the base asset
- Handle feeBurn in all transaction estimates/outputs (needs further testing for 100% accuracy this week)
- Large refactor especially with synth handling
- Handle params for ‘assetType’
- Made variables in some sections more human-readable
- Added approval component for LPs and Synths now that they require approval
- Rename ‘mint’ to ‘forge’ and ‘burn’ to ‘melt’. The aim here is to give synths terms that aren't too unique but also aren't sharing the same name as other common functions that have ‘history’ in crypto (such as Burn).
- Handle SPARTAv2 throughout as the base asset
- Handle feeBurn in all transaction estimates/outputs (continued testing is taking place)
- Added approval component for synths now that they require approval
- Refactor calculations for outputs and each step between
- Renamed some variables to be more human-readable
- Minor cleanup
- Take it to the next stage ready for some txnDetails after the confirmation
- Added approval component for LPs now that they require approval
- Take it to the next stage ready for some txnDetails after the confirmation
- Added approval component for synths now that they require approval
- Handle feeBurn in claimable
- Handle feeBurn in claimable
- Add in synthVault deposit modal
Deleted Throughout
- All references to ‘Lending’ and ‘Migration’. Migration is no longer relevant and Lending will be approached once the V2 Contracts and dApp are finalised
GitHub Activity — SpartanSite
- Reduce zoom amount
- Adjusted margins and padding throughout
- Add in Discord icon/link
- Added Discord icon/link to hero section
Project Information
Official Links
- Website:
Spartan Protocol | Liquidity Protocol on Binance Smart Chain
Spartan Protocol provides community-governed and programmable token emissions functions to incentivize the formation of…
Spartan Protocol | Liquidity & Synthetics on BSC | DeFi
Spartan Protocol provides community-governed and programmable token emissions functions to incentivize the formation of…
- GitBook (Docs):
A quick summary of Spartan protocol’s main
Spartan Protocol
A PROTOCOL FOR INCENTIVISED LIQUIDITY AND SYNTHETIC ASSETS JavaScript GPL-3.0 Updated 3 7 23 0 May 23, 2021 Forked from…
Community Contribution
Spartan Protocol is at its core, a community-driven and led project. In this vein, the more contributors the better. There is a great opportunity for community members to contribute by making LP reward analysis tools, etc.
Recently, community members have been graciously funnelling in to contribute to explainer articles, ideas and even $SPARTA donations to support the growth of the platform.
Engage with the community and contributors
Where to find out about all the latest updates or suggest improvements — get involved.
- Medium:
- Twitter:
- Telegram Community:
- Telegram Announcements:
Community Bounty Wallet
Whilst there is no treasury nor contributor allocations, there was a public community bounty wallet set up a while ago to help handle donations from the community and other incentive programs (BNB from the Binance BUIDl program was sent here) which can be viewed here:
Address 0x588f82a66eE31E59B88114836D11e3d00b3A7916 | BscScan
The Address 0x588f82a66eE31E59B88114836D11e3d00b3A7916 page allows users to view transactions, balances, token holdings…