SpartanDev: 04/01/21— 10/01/21
Dev Update: | Socials| UI Branding | Global Upgrade | Synths
Dev Update: | Socials| UI Branding | Global Upgrade | Synths
A busy week focusing on UI and Branding enhancements across the board for the SpartanProtocol ecosystem.
The DAO interface has made leaps and bounds over the previous weeks and it will be making its debut shortly.
A particularly exciting moment this week when a community member reached out and pushed commits for some ‘branding/colour’ updates. Who wants to see ‘Spartan-Red’ come back to the UI?
Router V2 — One Month In
Router V1, which granted yield to a user and required a manual harvest, was migrated to Router V2 on 7 December 2020, this injected yield directly into the Spartan Liquidity Pools based on the slippage involved in the swaps, and the pool the swap occurred on.
Dive into the detailed article below to see the effects of Router V2 after 31 days.
Router V2 — One Month In!
A summary on the first month of ‘Dividends’
Steady Growth on Socials
Again we continue to see steady growth across our socials — however, we consider the increase in people taking the time to read through our medium updates to be the most telling. People are taking the time to understand the progress and core principles of the project. This is what is important.
GitHub Activity
SpartanPools DApp
UI and Branding / Theme
Significant work has been done this week to updating the UI and branding of the SpartanProtocol ecosystem to something that better suited. This is only days away from going live.
CSS | Settle on official SPARTA colour scheme · Issue #392 · spartan-protocol/spartanpools-dapp
Previously the community were working on having 'branding' and a colour scheme/font: COLORS Primary: #A80005 Accent…
CSS | Add to .wrapper class · Issue #391 · spartan-protocol/spartanpools-dapp
Add to .wrapper class: margin: auto max-width: 1600px ??? Play around roughly following the above and push a new branch…
HEADER - PRICE PANEL | Link whole div & style · Issue #389 · spartan-protocol/spartanpools-dapp
Under 'contracts': Make whole button/div the link (instead of just the text) Change styling so that buttons are more…
HEADER | Add SPARTA token info & fix language dropdown · Issue #383 ·…
SamusElderg changed the title ALL | Add SPARTA token price & MC etc HEADER | Add SPARTA token info & fix language…
REMOVE LIQ | Remove 100% ETH/SPARTA Wrong Button State · Issue #384 ·…
To recreate: * Go to ETH:SPARTA pool * Try to remove 100% liq using the slider * State of button is sometimes wrong…
- SpartanDAO ‘lite’ is ready to be merged providing basic DAO functions for controlling BOND+MINT before the globalUpgrade with DAOv2
- The v1 UI will allow users to propose & vote on listing/delisting assets from the BOND program
- Will also allow for adding another 2.5m SPARTA allocation to the program
- Continued work on GlobalUpgrade & Synths
add collateral · spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts@75d461a
You can't perform that action at this time. You signed in with another tab or window. You signed out in another tab or…
remove collateral · spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts@23fa2e8
SpartanSwap Contracts. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts development by creating an account on…
dao rewards · spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts@1d2c9dd
SpartanSwap Contracts. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts development by creating an account on…
dao adjustments · spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts@a6a1856
SpartanSwap Contracts. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts development by creating an account on…
getCDPValue · spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts@ca1f0e0
SpartanSwap Contracts. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts development by creating an account on…
initial daov2 testing · spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts@2d1479d
SpartanSwap Contracts. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts development by creating an account on…
daov2 testing · spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts@bc9ff74
SpartanSwap Contracts. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts development by creating an account on…
grant details · spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts@6cc7f2e
SpartanSwap Contracts. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts development by creating an account on…
After last weeks shoutout to see if any community members were interested in assisting to update the SpartanProtocol home page one motivated member reached out and now engaged to this end.
This shows the willingness of the community to help support the project, if you are interested please reach out in the Telegram Channels, many hands make light work.
Current Focus
- DAO v2
- Utils v2
- Router v3
- Pool v2
- SynthRouter v1
- Synth v1
- Bond v4
Spartan DApp
- DAO UI v1
- Shares/Position Overview Page v1
- Integrate WalletConnect
Community Contribution
Spartan Protocol is at its core a community-driven and led project. In this vein, the more contributors the better. There is a great opportunity for community members to contribute by making LP reward analysis tools, contributing code, graphic design, etc.
If you have an idea, share it in the community channels.
Engage with the community and developers
Where to find out about all the latest updates or suggest improvements — get involved.
- Github:
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- Twitter:
- Telegram Community:
- Telegram Announcements: