The Buidl-Weekly: 02MAY22 - 08MAY22

Dev Update

The Buidl-Weekly: 02MAY22 - 08MAY22

Welcome to another weekly wrap-up, Spartans! Thanks to all the community contributors and friends who helped Buidl, promote and support during the week! Read on for the update.

The Buidl-Weekly: 02MAY22 - 08MAY22

SynthVault Claim Drop | SPIP-105

We had our first 1% SynthVault claim drop this week from 5% to 4%. If you missed out on the SPIP-105 discussions, get up to date via this article. TLDR: SynthVault harvest will reduce, so make sure you harvest before each drop!

The next 1% drop will occur some time during the week of 16th May 2022, so please make sure you have performed a SynthVault harvest if you want to receive the current 4% rate.

Stablecoin APY Update

This week we saw another stablecoin update go out, check out the community DApp for the latest APY estimates on the BUSD, USDT & USDC pools (currently estimated at 11% to 17% pool APY for stables + 35% additional for DaoVault staking)

WhaleStats Mentions

Whalestats tracks up to 4000 of the largest BNB Chain wallets (the "whales") and provides some helpful metrics and data for users.

Blockchain Recorded Podcast

Spartan Protocol community contributor, Phillip Reidy, was on a podcast with Blockchain Recorded this week. Check out the talk for a dose of all things 'web3 community'

CoinMarketLeague Charts

Don't forget to Vote for SPARTA each week Spartans!

Weekly Community Call / Hangout

Don't forget to tune into the Telegram channel each week with @ReidyPhillip to get updates on the project and broader ecosystem. Feel free to join in the discussion with any ideas and questions!

These are currently hosted every Wednesday but subject to change based on community feedback and availability. When the time is confirmed each week we will do our best to share a reminder via the socials but this can be difficult due to the distributed nature of the project and organisers.

Weekly LearnToEarn Quiz

Congratulations to the winners of the weekly Spartan Protocol LearnToEarn quiz. The theme this week was to remind us of the meaning of the term 'slip' which is the difference between the spot rate and the actual rate

There is a new #LearnToEarn quiz up and live for Spartans keen to learn and win some SPARTA in the process!

Don't forget to ask in the social channels if you are not sure! The community is there to help and these quizzes are all about learning!

SpartAnalytics Report

Our community collates the public Spartan Protocol data into a PDF report each month covering Google Search (impressions, clicks, devices, keywords & geographical) & Twitter analytics. You can find the full April report here.

GitHub Activity - Spartan DApp

No changes were merged into the main branch this week on the DApp. There was however some progress on the 'table' view and some other items which will be merged in once completed.

To Do:

GitHub Activity - Spartan Site

To Do:

  • Create an alternative style mockup then review and build for 'A/B comparisons' with the other new website

GitHub Activity - Spartan V3 Contracts

'Init' Branch


  • Setup general repo structure
  • Setup .gitignore & dependencies
  • Added Utils contract placeholder
  • Added Swim / Pool contract placeholder
  • Added some structures, mappings and function placeholders to pool contract

GitHub Activity - Spartan Docs

To Do:

GitHub Activity - Spartan <> Bram NFTs

Completed, all that remains is distribution! Please be patient and allow the contributors time to work out how these NFTs will be distributed. In the meantime please check out Bram on Twitter and show your support!

To Do:

  • Distribute the NFTs

GitHub Activity - Spartan Subgraph


  • Added synth mints & burns to swap volume
  • Added a getDerivedToken() helper function

Changes for CoinGecko Integration:

  • Added volTOKEN to the MetricsPoolDay entity
  • Simplified logic in handleSwapped to use input or output instead of deriving from the input every time. ie. derivedSparta is now the input value if fromSparta is true and the output value is fromSparta is false. And the newly added derivedToken is the input value is fromSparta is true and the output value is fromSparta is false
  • Added extra arg to updateDayMetrics() for volTOKEN
  • Updated every use of updateDayMetrics() to hand in null or the derivedToken for the newly added arg
  • Added logic to calc the volume in TOKEN for every change instance of MetricsPoolDay

To Do:

GitHub Activity - Spartan API


  • Updated the API docs to reflect the below changes to the pool objects
  • Changed some other ambiguous language in the API docs

Changes for CoinGecko integration in /pool endpoint:

  • Subgraph call now also grabs volSPARTA and volTOKEN and hands them into the returned pool object as .volume and .volume_quote as required for more accurate volume reporting in CoinGecko
  • Remove the type1 and type2 URL params from .swapUrl (more compact swap URL handed over)

Changes for CoinGecko integration in /pools endpoint:

  • Subgraph call now also grabs volSPARTA and volTOKEN and hands them into the returned pool object as .volume and .volume_quote as required for more accurate volume reporting in CoinGecko
  • Remove the type1 and type2 URL params from .swapUrl (more compact swap URL handed over)

GitHub Activity - Spartan Resources

GitHub Activity - Arena Contracts

GitHub Activity - Spartan V2 Contracts

Project Information

Community Contribution

Spartan Protocol is at its core, a community-built and run project. In this vein, the more contributors the better. There is a great opportunity for community members to contribute, please reach out in the community channels if you are interested.

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