SpartanDev: 07MAR22 - 13MAR22

Dev Update

SpartanDev: 07MAR22 - 13MAR22

Welcome to another weekly wrap-up, read on for more on the USDC Curated DAO proposal, #OpenTheGates, #LearnToEarn, DApp updates & more.

SpartanDev: 07MAR22 - 13MAR22

Welcome to another weekly wrap-up, Spartans! Thanks to all the community contributors and friends who helped Buidl, promote and support during the week! Read on for the update...

Top Voted DEX CoinMarketLeague

Well done Spartans, you once again showed your support with voting to keep Spartan Protocol in the top position for DEXs on CoinMarketLeague this week.

Curate USDC Proposal Update

Through the week, the active proposal to Curated the USDC pool progressed quite rapidly from 'minority' to well over the required 66.66% consensus.

Towards the end of the week, it reached the end of its cool-off period and finalised by the community, which means the SPARTA:USDC pool is now Curated, allowing Spartans to stake their USDCp tokens in the DaoVault and of course enabling USDCs synthetic assets to be minted. Read more on 'Curated Pools' here.

Liquidity Caps Raised for UNT

Our newest pool, UNT:SPARTA has been off to a good start, reaching its initial liquidity caps before the initializing phase had been completed. The caps were therefore raised from 100K to 200K to allow more liquidity.

Learn-to-Earn Quiz Winners

Our three lucky Spartan winners have been drawn for the #LearnToEarn quiz that asked:

What is the standard GWEI gas price on BNBChain?

The correct answer was indeed '5 GWEI' which has been the standard gas price on BSC for a long time now (was originally 10 GWEI when BSC launched, but the BNB price pumped hard after that leading to a decision to reduce the standard gas price, keeping interactions affordable)

New Learn-to-Earn Quiz

There is a new #LearnToEarn quiz up and live for Spartans keen to learn and win some SPARTA in the process!

If you provide liquidity + stake the LPs in the DaoVault, which estimated APY figure applies?

Don't forget to ask in the community channels if you are not sure! The community is there to help and these quizzes are all about learning!


Our community collates the public Spartan Protocol data into a PDF report each month covering Google Search (impressions, clicks, devices, keywords & geographical) & Twitter analytics. You can find the full February report here.

GitHub Activity - Spartan DApp

GitHub - spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2: 📱 Spartan Protocol Community DApp
📱 Spartan Protocol Community DApp. Contribute to spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2 development by creating an account on GitHub.

Thanks to Jerimiasz for more contributions this week!

Changes to 'Partners' Page

The 'Partners' page was a little too direct with that label which prevented us from being able to list tools & projects we like but are not necessarily partnered with. Hence the label change to 'Friends' which opens up this page a little wider for the future.

  • Fixed the white-mode/dark-mode styles for the logos
  • Added CoinGecko to the page

Spinner Component Changes

  • Added CSS prefixes (webkit, ms etc) to make the animations more compatible with browsers

Spartan Wallet Rank Changes

The calculated LP tokens weight for the Spartan ranks were previously based on only the SPARTA-side of the LP's redemption value. These calculations are 100% visual and just for fun, they have no bearing on the protocol or your influence/yield etc.

It was time for a quick reassessment of the way that all works and decided to have the DApp get the entire value of all Spartan Protocol LP's and Synths attributed to the wallet and convert that to SPARTA at spot rate. This brings the LP weight calculations inline with the Synth weight calcs for this component.

Spartan liquidity providers should check their wallet and see if their rank has jumped up 😇

Added Translation Notice

As Spartans should know, the Spartan Protocol community DApp has a lot of available translations options, and most of them are just copy pasted over from Google Translate as the fallback and intended for community members to run thru and contribute to improve the translations and make them more human.

Unfortunately not all users are integrated with the project and are likely to not be impressed with the incomplete translations, hence it was proposed we show an alert when users change to an incomplete language.

The Toast component was used from react-bootstrap to build and implement this & is now live in the DApp, feel free to test it by changing to an incomplete language.

We will need to do another community drive soon to get some more of those languages up to date! In the meantime reach out in the community if you want to help donate your time to improve our DApp experience for all Spartans!

Visual Liquidity Caps Changes

The visual gauge for the liquidity caps for each pool previously turned red at 95% to give everyone a super early indicator that a pool is nearing its caps. However many seemed to take the red visual bar as being 'at the caps' despite that not being the case.

This has been changed to just check if we are within 5,000 SPARTA of the liquidity caps (which technically still is not at the caps and not preventing any activity in the pools) but it still gives us sufficient early warning without enforcing a 100% cap check as should be the real indicator for a capped pool. A 100% capped change may be implemented in the future, but for now this is a good balance.

Visual indicator turning red as liquidity is within 5K of the caps
Visual indicator still green as it is not within 5K of the caps

To Do:

Revamp 02 | Rip out stylesheets · Issue #729 · spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2
Rip out all stylesheets and go vanilla. Create a new branch which will be breaking/forced-push eventually, all revamp work will be pending in here ongoing until its at a reasonable enough level to ...
Revamp 03 | Rebuild main structure · Issue #730 · spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2
Rebuild main structure (header, body, nav, footer etc) using css-grid for better vertical control and layouts on each breakpoint Whilst there, reconsider the sidebar and header/navbar layouts/behav...
Revamp 04 | Style phase · Issue #731 · spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2
Create new bootstrap override stylesheets one component at a time and get them looking sweet in both light mode and dark mode (or just go with a single neutral theme, TBD) This issue will likely be...
Help Contribute to Language / Translations! · Issue #513 · spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2
Remember this is a community project; the original base translations are from Google Translate and obviously omit perspective & accuracy. The structure has been placed for us (the community) to...

GitHub Activity - Spartan Site

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-site: 🕸 Spartan Protocol Community Website
🕸 Spartan Protocol Community Website. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-site development by creating an account on GitHub.

To Do:

Build Tablet Layout (sm) · Issue #72 · spartan-protocol/spartan-site
🕸 Spartan Protocol Community Website. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-site development by creating an account on GitHub.
Build Laptop Layout (md) · Issue #73 · spartan-protocol/spartan-site
🕸 Spartan Protocol Community Website. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-site development by creating an account on GitHub.
Build Desktop Layout (lg) · Issue #74 · spartan-protocol/spartan-site
🕸 Spartan Protocol Community Website. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-site development by creating an account on GitHub.
Build High-res Layout (xl) · Issue #75 · spartan-protocol/spartan-site
🕸 Spartan Protocol Community Website. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-site development by creating an account on GitHub.

GitHub Activity - Spartan Docs

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-docs: 📑 Spartan Protocol Community Documentation
📑 Spartan Protocol Community Documentation. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-docs development by creating an account on GitHub.

To Do:

‘Getting Started’ | Update guide screenshots · Issue #26 · spartan-protocol/spartan-docs
Update the pictures for the guide in the getting started section to up to date versions (inc Coinbase Wallet etc)
Contribute Section · Issue #7 · spartan-protocol/spartan-docs
Get ready for live (first phase live): Telegram / socials (explain how to connect &/or help in the community channels) Resources (how to contribute art, graphics, memes, etc) Make a quick guide...
Developers Section · Issue #6 · spartan-protocol/spartan-docs
Get ready for live (first phase live): List the API information & links to the docs (or maybe use this as the official location for the API docs?) Swap aggregator integration guide (get BASE -&...
Donate section · Issue #18 · spartan-protocol/spartan-docs
Get ready for live (first phase live): Why donate? (explain its a community project) What does it go towards (show examples of previous campaigns like codearena) How to donate guide
Upgrade Section · Issue #17 · spartan-protocol/spartan-docs
Get ready for live (first phase live): Whats with V1 & V2 How to upgrade guide (no need for the ‘claim’ stuff anymore, can be removed from docs & dapp)

GitHub Activity - Spartan <> Bram NFTs

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-nfts-bram-01: 🎭 Spartan Protocol NFTS 01: the Bram Vanhaeren Collection (
🎭 Spartan Protocol NFTS 01: the Bram Vanhaeren Collection ( - GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-nfts-bram-01: 🎭 Spartan Protocol NFTS 01: the Bram Vanhaeren Collec...

Completed, all that remains is distribution! Please be patient and allow the contributors time to work out how these NFTs will be distributed. In the meantime please check out Bram on Twitter and show your support!

To Do:

  • Distribute the NFTs

GitHub Activity - Spartan UI Library

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-ui-library: ⚙ Spartan Protocol Community UI Components
⚙ Spartan Protocol Community UI Components. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-ui-library development by creating an account on GitHub.

This component library has taken a bit of a back seat for now with a focus on cleaning up the existing DApp repo instead of rushing this one. Contributors can come back to this & work towards the initial plan of making it a whole component UI library (for all community DApps, not just the current one) instead of the in-between phase that it was becoming (the partial work will shift from here to a branch on the DApp repo soon for the DApp-refresh phase to continue)

Hence the below to-do list is now pointing towards what was previously meant to be the 'next stage':

To Do:

Create UI Library #00 · Issue #4 · spartan-protocol/spartan-ui-library
Phase 01 - Build Basic Library: #1 #3 #2

GitHub Activity - Spartan Subgraph

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-subgraph: 🏃‍♀️ Spartan Protocol Subgraph
🏃‍♀️ Spartan Protocol Subgraph. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-subgraph development by creating an account on GitHub.

To Do:

Add Synth Mint/Burn to Swap Volume · Issue #12 · spartan-protocol/spartan-subgraph
Currently, the swap volume NET sum doesn’t include Synth activity. I think it makes sense to include it, especially considering it literally is swapping through the pools and generating revenue
Add Mint/Burn to Revenue · Issue #13 · spartan-protocol/spartan-subgraph
Currently none of the fees from Synths (mint/burn fee nor slippage) are included in the revenue and therefore the APY. I think a nice balance would be to keep the slippage excluded, however we shou...

GitHub Activity - Spartan Resources

GitHub - spartan-protocol/resources: 🎨 Spartan Protocol Branding & Resources
🎨 Spartan Protocol Branding & Resources. Contribute to spartan-protocol/resources development by creating an account on GitHub.

No public Github activity in the resources repo this week.

GitHub Activity - Spartan Arena Contracts

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-arena-contracts: ⚔ Spartan Arena Contracts
⚔ Spartan Arena Contracts. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-arena-contracts development by creating an account on GitHub.

No public Github activity on the NFT/Gaming contracts this week.

GitHub Activity - Spartan API

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-api: 👩‍💻 Spartan Protocol Simple Headless API
👩‍💻 Spartan Protocol Simple Headless API. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-api development by creating an account on GitHub.

No public Github activity on the API this week.

GitHub Activity - Spartan Contracts

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts: 📃 Spartan Protocol Smart Contracts
📃 Spartan Protocol Smart Contracts. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts development by creating an account on GitHub.

No public Github activity on the DeFi contracts this week.

Project Information

Community Contribution

Spartan Protocol is at its core, a community-driven and led project. In this vein, the more contributors the better. There is a great opportunity for community members to contribute by making LP reward analysis tools, etc.

Recently, community members have been graciously funnelling in to contribute to explainer articles, ideas and even $SPARTA donations to support the growth of the platform.‌

Engage with the community and contributors

Where to find out about all the latest updates or suggest improvements — get involved.