SpartanDev: 21MAR22 - 27MAR22

Dev Update

SpartanDev: 21MAR22 - 27MAR22

Welcome to another weekly wrap-up, Spartans! Read up on the week's goss including a new partnership, stablecoin marketing/focus, DApp progress & heaps more

SpartanDev: 21MAR22 - 27MAR22

Welcome to another weekly wrap-up, Spartans! Thanks to all the community contributors and friends who helped Buidl, promote and support during the week! Read on for the update...

Stablecoin APY Update

This week we launched the beginning of a campaign to help spread awareness of stablecoins on Spartan Protocol with "The #HomeOfStables on #BNBChain"

APY Update - Provide Liquidity + Stake LPs to receive sustainable yield in Stablecoins & $SPARTA

BitKeep Partnership

BitKeep now supports the $SPARTA token. Proud to partner up with @BitKeepOS and see the SPARTA token added to their list of supported assets in the lovely BitKeep wallet!

BSCDaily Tweet Thread

Big thanks to BSCDaily for surprising us with a nice Tweet thread on the protocol. They covered the above BitKeep announcement but also led on to cover many other great points throughout the thread including:

  • Stablecoin yields
  • Protocol features (swaps, vaults, synths, etc)
  • Defi strategies
  • Some 'providing liquidity' nuances
  • Some info on our promotions
  • Immunefi bug bounty (security)
  • View the Tweet thread here

CoinMarketLeague - Top Voted

Spartan Protocol got #1 spot on CoinMarketLeague this week in two charts!

Learn-to-Earn Quiz Winners

A big congratulations to the winners of last week's quiz:

Which of the following 'SPARTA' facts are not true?
  • The project is built, maintained and governed by the community
  • Spartan Protocol is a custom-built AMM, not a UniSwap fork
  • The SPARTA token enables the protocol's decentralised oracle
  • The SPARTA token was distributed via 100% community allocation
  • The Bond program was the first phase of SPARTA token distribution
  • Slip based fees provide an additional security layer to the pools

The correct (untrue) answer was:

The Bond program was the first phase of SPARTA token distribution

The Bond program was actually the second phase of the initial token distribution

The information from this week's quiz was gathered from the 'Introduction' page of the community documentation.

Leonidas I - Tweet Thread

Check out this community Tweet thread from Leonidas I covering some recent + future developments in the Spartan Protocol ecosystem along with some important points about the project and community.

New Learn-to-Earn Quiz

There is a new #LearnToEarn quiz up and live for Spartans keen to learn and win some SPARTA in the process!

Don't forget to ask in the social channels if you are not sure! The community is there to help and these quizzes are all about learning!

Top Social Engagement on BNBChain / BSC

Thanks to GemsChill for crunching the LunarCrush data and producing this graphic showing some of the top BNBChain projects in terms of social engagement

BitKeep Supported DApp

The Spartan Protocol community DApp was confirmed supported and added to the list of DApps in the BitKeep browser this week also. Contributors will soon work on specific detection and add the BitKeep icon to the community DApp too.

High Swap Volume Day

Friday saw a very high volume swap day whilst the SPARTA price went for a bit of overdue movement on market. The TVL popped up over $5M during this activity with over $1.2M in swap volume.

The BNB:SPARTA pool saw the largest uptick in volume with more than 50% of it's depth swapped through the pools (a normal good day is around 5% in most AMMs)

USDT #OpenTheGates

The USDT pool once again reached its liquidity caps, continuing to grow at a consistent rate. After analysis, its caps have raised from 1.5M to 2.5M SPARTA to allow its continued growth.


Our community collates the public Spartan Protocol data into a PDF report each month covering Google Search (impressions, clicks, devices, keywords & geographical) & Twitter analytics. You can find the full February report here.

GitHub Activity - Spartan DApp

GitHub - spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2: πŸ“± Spartan Protocol Community DApp
πŸ“± Spartan Protocol Community DApp. Contribute to spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2 development by creating an account on GitHub.


  • Remove un-needed extra redirect
  • Language dropdown changes to a single-Col layout
  • ThemeSwitcher component made sizing dynamic so changing the whole components size is as easy as changing one variable now (instead of adjusting every size related property by the same percentage)
  • Added social icons to the mobile hamburger menu
  • Change chart.js color defaults to black/white based on dark/light mode
  • Commented out problematic ankr RPC
  • Made all symbols UPPERCASE for better token consitiency (Cake has a sneaky non-uppercase token property)

SideNav Menu

  • Quick change-up of icons for nav menu (if anyone has suggestions on a suite of replacement SVGs please reach out)
  • Added detection if the user's screen size is large, if so have the sidebar expanded and fixed by default
  • Added icon to manually expand or contract the sidebar to the user's preference (only stored during session, page refresh resets back to default)

Placeholder/Minimal Styling:

  • React-Bootstrap Cards
  • React-Bootstrap Modals
  • React-Bootstrap Navs
  • React-Bootstrap Popovers
  • General global styles/body etc
  • Added some utils/anims

AssetSelect Changes

  • Added smarter whiteList asset detection (specific asset address or relevant tokenAddress both work now)
  • Removed some injected styles, negative margins & unused classnames

Share Component Changes

  • Hand in the conditional useState to block logic from loading unless the Share modal has been specifically opened (this will break the button in some other areas of the DApp)
  • Fixed the close button colors (dark/light mode)

WalletSelect Changes

  • Changed the Tabs to Navs
  • Removed badges (staked, wallet, bonded etc) in place of a single badge above each group
  • Various other changes

Liqudity Add Changes

  • Complete rebuild with a better, combined, compact and tabbed layout
  • The focus here was more of a back-end rebuild to make things a little cleaner and friendlier for contributors, however a lot of visual/ux changes were made along the way
  • You can now access 'swap' from this page
  • Placeholder 'settings' button added to finally add in the user-specified slip tolerance

Liquidity Remove Changes

  • Complete rebuild with a better, combined, compact and tabbed layout
  • The focus here was more of a back-end rebuild to make things a little cleaner and friendlier for contributors, however a lot of visual/ux changes were made along the way
  • You can now access 'swap' from this page
  • Placeholder 'settings' button added to finally add in the user-specified slip tolerance

Swap Changes

  • Complete rebuild with a better, combined, compact and tabbed layout
  • The focus here was more of a back-end rebuild to make things a little cleaner and friendlier for contributors, however a lot of visual/ux changes were made along the way
  • You can now access 'liquidity add' and 'liquidity remove' from this page
  • Placeholder 'settings' button added to finally add in the user-specified slip tolerance
  • 'Zap' LP tokens feature siloed out of this section into its own component, accessing it is just as easy though with a tab above to switch to 'swap LPs'

NewPool Component Changes

  • Hand in the conditional useState to block logic from loading unless the modal has been specifically opened (this will break the button in some other areas of the DApp)

Metrics Section Changes

  • Changed to a more simple non-library title along with various other changes

Pools/Home Page Changes

  • Rebuilt the whole layout/structure/logic
  • Filters instead of switches
  • Screenshot is easier than a list of changes

To Do:

Revamp 04 | Style phase Β· Issue #731 Β· spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2
Create new bootstrap override stylesheets one component at a time and get them looking sweet in both light mode and dark mode (or just go with a single neutral theme, TBD) This issue will likely be...
Add BitKeep logo + detection Β· Issue #751 Β· spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2
BitKeep already connects flawlessly and automatically most of the time, but for users who manually revoke/disconnect (stored in localStorage) it would be nice to detect if the wallet is specificall...

GitHub Activity - Spartan Site

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-site: πŸ•Έ Spartan Protocol Community Website
πŸ•Έ Spartan Protocol Community Website. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-site development by creating an account on GitHub.

To Do:

Build Tablet Layout (sm) Β· Issue #72 Β· spartan-protocol/spartan-site
πŸ•Έ Spartan Protocol Community Website. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-site development by creating an account on GitHub.

GitHub Activity - Spartan Docs

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-docs: πŸ“‘ Spartan Protocol Community Documentation
πŸ“‘ Spartan Protocol Community Documentation. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-docs development by creating an account on GitHub.

To Do:

Contribute Section Β· Issue #7 Β· spartan-protocol/spartan-docs
Get ready for live (first phase live): Telegram / socials (explain how to connect &/or help in the community channels) Resources (how to contribute art, graphics, memes, etc) Make a quick guide...
Developers Section Β· Issue #6 Β· spartan-protocol/spartan-docs
Get ready for live (first phase live): List the API information & links to the docs (or maybe use this as the official location for the API docs?) Swap aggregator integration guide (get BASE -&...

GitHub Activity - Spartan <> Bram NFTs

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-nfts-bram-01: 🎭 Spartan Protocol NFTS 01: the Bram Vanhaeren Collection (
🎭 Spartan Protocol NFTS 01: the Bram Vanhaeren Collection ( - GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-nfts-bram-01: 🎭 Spartan Protocol NFTS 01: the Bram Vanhaeren Collec...

Completed, all that remains is distribution! Please be patient and allow the contributors time to work out how these NFTs will be distributed. In the meantime please check out Bram on Twitter and show your support!

To Do:

  • Distribute the NFTs

GitHub Activity - Spartan UI Library

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-ui-library: βš™ Spartan Protocol Community UI Components
βš™ Spartan Protocol Community UI Components. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-ui-library development by creating an account on GitHub.

To Do:

Create UI Library #00 Β· Issue #4 Β· spartan-protocol/spartan-ui-library
Phase 01 - Build Basic Library: #1 #3 #2

GitHub Activity - Spartan Subgraph

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-subgraph: πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ Spartan Protocol Subgraph
πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ Spartan Protocol Subgraph. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-subgraph development by creating an account on GitHub.

To Do:

Add Mint/Burn to Revenue Β· Issue #13 Β· spartan-protocol/spartan-subgraph
Currently none of the fees from Synths (mint/burn fee nor slippage) are included in the revenue and therefore the APY. I think a nice balance would be to keep the slippage excluded, however we shou...
Add Synth Mint/Burn to Swap Volume Β· Issue #12 Β· spartan-protocol/spartan-subgraph
Currently, the swap volume NET sum doesn’t include Synth activity. I think it makes sense to include it, especially considering it literally is swapping through the pools and generating revenue

GitHub Activity - Spartan Resources

GitHub - spartan-protocol/resources: 🎨 Spartan Protocol Branding & Resources
🎨 Spartan Protocol Branding & Resources. Contribute to spartan-protocol/resources development by creating an account on GitHub.

Thanks to LegendSupreme for the amazing Stablecoin marketing videos! They have been pushed into the public Github for community use.

To Do:

  • Add GIF versions of the above Stablecoin promos

GitHub Activity - Spartan Arena Contracts

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-arena-contracts: βš” Spartan Arena Contracts
βš” Spartan Arena Contracts. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-arena-contracts development by creating an account on GitHub.

No public Github activity on the NFT/Gaming contracts this week.

GitHub Activity - Spartan API

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-api: πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Spartan Protocol Simple Headless API
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Spartan Protocol Simple Headless API. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-api development by creating an account on GitHub.

No public Github activity on the API this week.

GitHub Activity - Spartan Contracts

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts: πŸ“ƒ Spartan Protocol Smart Contracts
πŸ“ƒ Spartan Protocol Smart Contracts. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartanswap-contracts development by creating an account on GitHub.

No public Github activity on the DeFi contracts this week.

Project Information

Community Contribution

Spartan Protocol is at its core, a community-driven and led project. In this vein, the more contributors the better. There is a great opportunity for community members to contribute by making LP reward analysis tools, etc.

Recently, community members have been graciously funnelling in to contribute to explainer articles, ideas and even $SPARTA donations to support the growth of the platform.β€Œ

Engage with the community and contributors

Where to find out about all the latest updates or suggest improvements β€” get involved.