SpartanDEV: 27DEC21-02JAN22

Dev Update

SpartanDEV: 27DEC21-02JAN22

Xmas metaverse promotions kick-off, Positions page expanded to include Synths, new DApp analytics tools, guides & much more in today's weekly project update

SpartanDEV: 27DEC21-02JAN22


Happy New Year Spartans!

Community contributor activity showed no signs of rest throughout the silly season, it is fair to say... Spartans do not sleep.

  • SecondLive Christmas metaverse promotion kicked off
  • 'Positions' now expanded to support Synths (Subgraph & DApp)
  • Pool revenue history data improved (More 'current' APYs in DApp)
  • New tooling & guide to learn how to assess pool revenue
  • New weekly #LearnToEarn quiz

SecondLive Xmas Metaverse Promotion

With the recent grant to the community wallet supporting promotional/marketing activity, we were presented with an opportunity to join in on a Binance Smart Chain ecosystem promotion that we otherwise would not have had the capital to be a part of. Over the past week, Spartans have been completing tasks to try to get on the exclusive early access whitelist for the gift box lucky draw & metaverse festivities.

Tune in between January 6th and 12th to join Spartan Protocol, SecondLive & many other BSC projects in giving away many gifts & knowledge in true festive fashion!

Synths Position Page

The much-requested upgrade to the position page has now been delivered. Spartans can now check their Synth positions in 4 scopes via the community DApp:

  • All Synth positions vs holding $USD
  • All Synth positions vs holding $SPARTA
  • Individual Synth position vs holding $USD
  • Individual Synth position vs holding $SPARTA

The guide in the Docs has not yet been updated to include explanations for 'Synth View'.  Spartans are always welcome to join in on updating and enhancing our documentation material!

Historical Revenue Data Changes

Previously we were using mainly on-chain calls to build the dataset used to display 'revenue' & 'dividends' in the DApp & to calculate the APYs. This meant that most data being used was up to 30 days old at any time. This week the subgraph was updated to give us a rolling 30-day tally of revenue & dividends to give us data that is between 3 seconds and 24 hours old all the time.

This means that if there is an increase in a pool's activity & general metrics, it will begin showing in the APY & front-end within 24 hours instead of rolling into the average ~30 days later. This obviously leads to better analytics & more 'current' APY figures in the DApp. For instance, the USDT pool was at ~3% APY before the update and is now around 17% because it is using data from when the pool's TVL bumped up and became a lot more active recently vs still being a relatively inactive pool 20+ days ago.

Become an Analysis Warrior!

Along with the above changes to the historical data, some new features, metrics and tools were added to the DApp to help users scope that data and assess each pool on a more granular level on the 'Liquidity' page.

Following those changes, a community guide was built & published to help understand & navigate these new features to become an analysis warrior!

New #FridayFor300 Quiz

We went for a more 'guess the number' style event to close out the year with a bit of fun. But it's not without its ulterior motive, to lean Spartans towards reading the new 'pool analysis' guide (see above) and using the new tools in the DApp to make an educated guess instead of a wild guess.

Spartan Socials - Twitter

Community Tweet of the Week:‌

SpartanSocials - Telegram

GitHub Activity - Spartan <> Bram NFTs

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-nfts-bram-01: 🎭 Spartan Protocol NFTS 01: the Bram Vanhaeren Collection (
🎭 Spartan Protocol NFTS 01: the Bram Vanhaeren Collection ( - GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-nfts-bram-01: 🎭 Spartan Protocol NFTS 01: the Bram Vanhaeren Collec...

Completed, all that remains is distribution! Please be patient and allow the contributors time to work out how these NFTs will be distributed. In the meantime please check out Bram on Twitter and show your support!

To Do:

  • Plan & distribute the NFTs

GitHub Activity - Spartan UI Library

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-ui-library: ⚙ Spartan Protocol Community UI Components
⚙ Spartan Protocol Community UI Components. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-ui-library development by creating an account on GitHub.

No Github activity on this repo for the week.

GitHub Activity - Spartan DApp

GitHub - spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2: 📱 Spartan Protocol Community DApp
📱 Spartan Protocol Community DApp. Contribute to spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2 development by creating an account on GitHub.

Changed Over Fees/Revenue/APY to Subgraph:

  • DApp now uses rolling 30day dividend & revenue from the Subgraph instead of on-chain calls (more 'current' & fewer RPC calls)
  • Removed all map30DPoolRevenue & mapPast30DPoolRevenue logic / on-chain calls
  • Pulled in the fees data from subgraph instead now inside getMonthIncentives
  • Updated the calcAPY function to hand in recentFees separately now that it is not in the pool object.

Extended Positions to Include Synths:

  • Created a getMemberSynthPositions external call to the subgraph to acquire all data the user needs to assess their Synth positions
  • Created a helper function to get the spot value of an array of synth objects in USD & SPARTA
  • Changed structure of the Positions view to have the actual positions logic as a component and added a similar synths component here
  • Added a 'Synth View' button to the Positions page to toggle between 'Synths' & 'Liquidity' positions
  • Set up, padded out & completed the whole Synths position component (this is now public, live & being tested by the community)

Extended Liquidity Analytics Tooling:

  • Added an argument to the calcAPY function - a days arg to calcAPY to adjust the calculation based on a selected time period (time-scoped functionality)
  • Added logic to detect when the asset has been changed to clear the chart before rebuilding the data instead of having a short period showing the previous pool's data
  • Added functions to get the accumulative fees & dividends for a pool based on the time period selected by the user (to hand in as days to the updated calcAPY function)

Minor UI Fixes:

  • Partners page injected fixed heights for the card-headers (make all tiles same size/balanced)
  • Fixed some alignment issues in each wallet section's total row
  • BondVault fixed secondary (LP) icon positioning

To Do:

Liquidity Page | Add DaoVault APY · Issue #678 · spartan-protocol/SpartanProtocol-DAppV2
Add in the DaoVault APY below the pool APY like on the home/pools page

GitHub Activity - Spartan Subgraph

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-subgraph: 🏃‍♀️ Spartan Protocol Subgraph
🏃‍♀️ Spartan Protocol Subgraph. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-subgraph development by creating an account on GitHub.

Commented-Out Unused Entities

In an attempt to make the subgraph less bloated and faster at syncing after a change, all singular transaction index logic has been commented out. This means that we won't be able to call up a list of every one of a wallet's transactions regardless of the type anymore. That data hasn't been used thus far anyway and isn't critical to positions nor pool assessments (the whole point of the subgraph) so shouldn't be considered a drawback as such.

In doing so, the subgraph now fully syncs 3x faster.

Positives definitely outweigh the negatives!

A push was made to set the subgraph up to be able to pull in any Synth-related data that would be critical to assessing a Synth position.

  • Added NET 'forge' tallies by wallet in SPARTA & internally derived $USD values
  • Added NET 'melt' tallies by wallet in SPARTA & internally derived $USD values
  • Added NET 'synth harvest' tallies by wallet in SPARTA & internally derived $USD values
  • Added 'SynthPositions' entity-links to the Member entity
  • Created a SynthPosition entity that also tracks the above metrics but by wallet->synth scope instead

Added Rolling 30-Day Revenue Metrics

Revenue & therefore APYs that were shown in the DApp were based on the last full 30 days of complete data (not rolling) from on-chain calls. Which meant when there is a significant uptick in pool activity it would take up to 30 days for it to be reflected in the APY & revenue sections throughout the DApp.

A move was made to become even more reliant on the Subgraph this week in changing over those relevant datasets to be called from the Subgraph instead:

  • Added a fees30Day metric to the MetricsGlobalDay entity
  • Added fees30Day calculation logic to updateDayMetrics (culm tally)
  • Added prevFees logic to handle establishing the '29 day' base each day to build on top of in checkMetricsDay

General Cleanup/Refactor

  • Refactored a bunch of logic to higher levels throughout the codebase

GitHub Activity - Spartan Resources

GitHub - spartan-protocol/resources: 🎨 Spartan Protocol Branding & Resources
🎨 Spartan Protocol Branding & Resources. Contribute to spartan-protocol/resources development by creating an account on GitHub.

No Github activity on this repo for the week, however, some graphics & other relevant resources were created, they should be merged in soon.

GitHub Activity - Spartan Site

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-site: 🕸 Spartan Protocol Community Website
🕸 Spartan Protocol Community Website. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-site development by creating an account on GitHub.

An initial playground branch was set up for the new landing page using a Gatsby + Contently combination this week.

  • Created the new branch
  • Selected headless CMS setup (no dedicated CMS, just Gatsby + Custom Contently integration)
  • Created basic templated sections with modular SCSS styling structure
  • Filled out initial section-info in Contently to pull in and get ready for the next phase
  • Filled out all the CTA links + button labels also ready to go

To Do:

Build new landing page (one-pager) · Issue #70 · spartan-protocol/spartan-site
Phase 01: Create new branch for this phase Select a headless CMS Build header, footer and nav Create a templated section (hero -&gt; features -&gt; CTA?) Use templated section for each feature of t...

GitHub Activity - Spartan Arena Contracts

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-arena-contracts: ⚔ Spartan Arena Contracts
⚔ Spartan Arena Contracts. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-arena-contracts development by creating an account on GitHub.

Chance Contract Changes

  • Changed setStakeTime arg to uint
  • Padded out the rollDice function

Staking Contract Changes

  • Imported in SafeERC20 depository instead of forking it in locally
  • Added in setter in initChanceContract

Tests Setup

  • Set up some initial tests

GitHub Activity - Spartan API

GitHub - spartan-protocol/spartan-api: 👩‍💻 Spartan Protocol Simple Headless API
👩‍💻 Spartan Protocol Simple Headless API. Contribute to spartan-protocol/spartan-api development by creating an account on GitHub.

No Github activity on this repo for the week.

To Do:

Extend API to Suit CMC/CG ‘Exchange’ Requirements · Issue #1 · spartan-protocol/spartan-api
CoinGecko: CMC: Maybe copy this ‘ideal’ example:
Extend Readme/Docs to Suit Extended API · Issue #2 · spartan-protocol/spartan-api
After extending the API out to suit the requirements (#1): Extend out the file to match the new API endpoints etc

Project Information

  • Website:
  • DApp:
  • GitBook (Docs):
  • GitHub:

Community Contribution

Spartan Protocol is at its core, a community-driven and led project. In this vein, the more contributors the better. There is a great opportunity for community members to contribute by making LP reward analysis tools, etc.

Recently, community members have been graciously funnelling in to contribute to explainer articles, ideas and even $SPARTA donations to support the growth of the platform.‌

Engage with the community and contributors

Where to find out about all the latest updates or suggest improvements — get involved.