SpartanProtocol — December 2020
Monthly Wrap Up — See Ya Later 2020
Monthly Wrap Up — See Ya Later 2020
I think it would be safe to say that most people are keen to see 2020 pass to the annuals of the history books. It was a challenging year for many but the crypto community once again showed its strength and commitment to supporting each other by coming together to release and develop the Spartan Protocol.
The novel Burn for SPARTA distribution method resonated with many across the community, showing the commitment of the developers to grow the project for the long term. No founders tokens mean no rug pulls; something that has unfortunately been a theme in 2020. The early contributors have acquired their tokens the same way as all other holders.
The contributors have been working non-stop with the pool features live and running and continuing to grow with work on the DAO and synths just around the corner.
2021 is looking great across the board for both SpartanProtocol & the BSC ecosystem
Steady Growth on Social Platforms
SpartanProtocol shows steady organic growth in interest on Twitter with followers growing month on month.
Although it is great to see prominent members of the crypto sphere starting to take notice of SpartanProtocol, It should be noted that the core contributors are not interested in short bursts of hype and care more about educating people about the platform and on-going development progress.
Long term commitment and development is what is important for the success of the project, we remain steadfastly focused on delivering all features as promised in the initial Spartan Protocol whitepaper.
The idea is to focus on building out the rest of the platform (read DAO and Synths) before ramping up with a heavy marketing campaign.
Following this ethos, the team has worked hard at increasing the amount of educational material that has been released as seen by the weekly development updates and information about the various features of the project.
SpartanContracts — Router V2 Dividends
Breaking down the concept of ‘Dividends’ in
SPARTA Token Distribution
*Figures Updated 21/12/
Connecting to Spartan Protocol (updated b)
Spartan Protocol, in it’s current form, acts as an Automated Market Maker protocol allowing users to perform the below…
Liquidity Provision in Spartan Protocol
Adding and Removing LP to and from the
Spartan Protocol Liquidity Pools — a deep dive
Spartan Protocol is designed to allow Users to collateralise their positions in the Spartan Liquidity Pools for the…
Currently 5 Pools Available for Bond+Mint
With the DAO UI close to completion, the DAO will be able to vote to list/delist BOND assets in the future. The DAO will also be able to vote to add more SPARTA to the BOND allocations up to the max 100m initial supply.
Bond+Mint on Spartan Protocol
Bootstrapping Liquidity + Initial SPARTA Token
SpartanContracts — Router V2 Dividends
Breaking down the concept of ‘Dividends’ in
DAOv2 is coming along nicely in the GlobalUpgrade with the future functions already connected/plugged into the UI branch (currently being developed/tested on testnet)
DAOv2 will bring all DAO-related functions across to the central DAO contract and allow for these functions:
- BOND — Increase BOND allocation
- BOND — List asset for BOND+MINT
- BOND — De-list asset for BOND+MINT
- EMISSIONS — Turn on/off
- EMISSIONS — Adjust the curve
- EMISSIONS — Change era duration
- EMISSIONS — Change eras to earn
- Change cool-off-period for DAO proposals
- Propose ‘grant’
Curated Pools
Also for the future feature ‘Curated Pools’ where there will be a higher tier of pools that will be allowed to be used for Synths, DAO weight, Dividends etc.
This will allow for listing any assets even if they have low depth without affecting the integrity of the ecosystem.
- CURATED POOLS — Add pool to curated tier
- CURATED POOLS — Remove pool from curated tier
- CURATED POOLS — Challenge a curated pool
December Development Activity
SpartanPools DApp
39 issues closed:
New issue Have a question about this project? Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its…
GlobalUpgrade (In progress):
Spartan Protocol is a liquidity pool protocol that allows token-agnostic provision of liquidity. Traders can swap…
SpartanDev: 07/12/20–13/12/20
SpartanDev: 07/12/20–13/12/20
Dev Update: RouterV2 | Bond+Mint V3| SpartanPools |
SpartanDev: 14/12/20–20/12/20
SpartanDev: 14/12/20–20/12/20
Dev Update: RouterV2 | Bond+Mint V3| SpartanPools | SpartanSwaps |
SpartanDev: 21/12/20–27/12/20
SpartanDev: 21/12/20–27/12/20
Dev Update: Article Storm | SpartanContracts |
SpartanDev: 28/12/20–03/01/21
Lots of refinement and polish done over the last week. For those with a keen eye for GitHub activity would have noted the passion that the Dev contributors make with some work being done on Christmas….its clear the dedication that they have for the project.
WEB3 | getNextWalletData() adds 'balance' as number instead of string and the decDiff makes it a…
Web3.js getNextWalletData() Adds balance as a number instead of string decDiff calc bumps out accuracy slightly…
EVERYWHERE | Replace where we have divided any WEI strings to convert them to a number · Issue #372…
Wherever we have done a simple divide of a WEI string to convert it to a number ready for a math We need to replace…
Remove LIQ | Remove the .call() on withdraw change · Issue #373 ·…
Currently the DApp calls the chain for sharesData every time the input is changed for 'remove both' This causes a lag…
NOTIFICATIONS | Fix missing notifications on multiple txns · Issue #375 ·…
If you do multiple transactions in fairly quick succession (notifications overlapping) the later notification does not…
EARN - Harvest First Window Not Closing After Harvest · Issue #378 ·…
Steps to replicate: * Ensure you haven't harvested for a while * Join BNB pool * Go to 'Earn' * Click 'Lock' next to…
Current Contributor’s Focus
- DAO v2
- Utils v2
- Router v3
- Pool v2
- SynthRouter v1
- Synth v1
- Bond v4
Spartan DApp
- DAO UI v1
- Shares/Position Overview Page v1
- Integrate WalletConnect
Community Contribution
Spartan Protocol is at it’s core a community-driven and led project. In this vein, the more contributors the better. There is a great opportunity for community members to contribute by making LP reward analysis tools, etc.
If you have an idea, share it in the community channels.
Engage with the community and developers
Where to find out about all the latest updates or suggest improvements — get involved.
- Github:
- Medium:
- Twitter:
- Telegram Community:
- Telegram Announcements: